Our impact
At Maravai LifeSciences, we’re focused on sustainable growth
Environmental stewardship, social consciousness and effective governance have been intrinsic to our business strategy and core values since Maravai was founded in 2014. Along with the safety and quality of our products, we are proud of our ESG advancements to date and are working meticulously to increase transparency and build the infrastructure necessary to improve our results.
ESG is core to achieving our long-term objectives, which is why we have an executive leader dedicated to ESG, measure our environmental footprint and have implemented new processes to increase data collection and enhance transparent reporting.
At the same time, we empower all of our stakeholders by supporting their health and wellbeing, and embedding DEI best practices into our social policies, recruitment practices, training programs and community investments.
For 35+ years, Maravai’s portfolio companies have served as catalysts for innovative, lifesaving technology for humanity
Community Impact
The Maravai LifeSciences Foundation
As a reflection of our commitment to being a strong corporate citizen, we launched the Maravai LifeSciences Foundation in 2021. The Foundation emphasizes advancing scientific education and innovation, promoting public health and equal access, and advocating for diversity and inclusion. As well as making donations, the Foundation identifies opportunities to participate in outreach events and other activities that contribute positively to human health and endorse STEM careers. We continue to partner with universities and NGOs that support human health initiatives.
Since inception, the Foundation made donations totaling $665,000 to partner organizations that make a difference in the communities where we live and work, some of which are noted below.
Volunteerism and Impact Day
We encourage Maravai team members to donate time to volunteerism, mentoring and coaching. We believe our employees’ skills, creativity, and generosity can impact the communities in which we live and work. In turn, volunteerism increases pride in what we do, helps us grow, and connects us to our communities.
Our Impact Day program allows each employee to take paid time off to volunteer. This inspires our employees to be supported in making a difference in the communities where they live and work.
Earth Week Challenge
As part of our Earth Week Challenge, we encouraged our employees to commit to a new habit, action or event. In 2023, more than 100 employees took part in the challenge, participating in 17 events, creating 27 new habits, and committing to 42 new environment-positive actions.
Stem Education
Igniting curious minds and inspiring the next generation of life scientists
Maravai supports initiatives designed to spark an interest among K-12 students in both STEM and STEAM. We believe it’s incumbent upon us to develop students’ interests and skills in these important educational topics, and we do so through a variety of endeavors.
The San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering is the largest event of its kind in Southern California. Hosted by Generation STEAM, a nonprofit affiliate of Biocom California, it celebrates San Diego’s diverse cultures and communities and aims to inspire curious young minds to become tomorrow’s science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) leaders.
In 2023, we hosted one of the most popular booths at the festival, “Delicious DNA.” Maravai’s booth helped children understand DNA by building a double helix using candy. This hands-on activity sparked excitement and intrigued parents and teachers attending the festival. The booth was busy the entire day with children and adults eager to create their candy DNA and talk to our team members. We are proud that over 25 employees volunteered their time over the weekend to support the success of the event.

Like our science, our approach to environmental stewardship is
robust and rigorous
At Maravai, we embrace the role we play in enabling our customers to create medicines that will improve lives all over the world. As part of our commitment to improve human health, we take pride in our efforts to protect the health of the planet for future generations.
Our environmental footprint
During the reporting period, we improved the visibility of our resource consumption, moving away from estimated calculations. We undertook extensive analysis of our direct operations and energy use, based on utility data at each of our sites. With data on actual energy, waste, and water footprints, we have a robust and accurate GHG inventory for 2022 and 2023.
Our water footprint
We rely on water not only for employee health and sanitation, but also in the creation of our products. Installing low-flow faucets and toilets helps us reduce the water we use.
Our waste footprint
We aim to reduce our waste impact by recycling at each of our locations and managing hazardous waste in line with applicable regulations. We continue to support a low waste culture by giving employees reusable drink containers, providing organic waste recycling, and donating e-waste to educational organizations or giving it to e-waste vendors for proper disposal.
Our GHG footprint
We have made significant strides in understanding environmental impacts occurring upstream and downstream of Maravai’s operations. We conducted our first Scope 3 GHG inventory, focusing on seven categories that are most relevant to our business. This enables us to engage employees, suppliers, and partners throughout our value chain to address the impacts of our products and services.

We have enhanced disclosure by measuring and reporting our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidance. And beginning in 2023, began reporting on our Scope 3 GHG emissions for the first time. This will allow us to assess how we may be able to effectively reduce emissions in the future.

We are actively working to reduce energy consumption by incorporating sustainable technologies in our facilities, such as LED lighting, low flow fixtures and solar panels.

We are working to decrease emissions by using renewable energy from solar panels and providing electric vehicle charging stations, as well as bike lockers at our headquarters.

We have made investments to promote our enterprise-wide recycling program, refined our data-collection processes and added organic waste recycling.

Investing in an effective corporate governance program

Board composition
Maintaining a dedicated and diverse Board of Directors
We seek to have a board that is competent in key corporate disciplines, including finance, mergers and acquisitions, crisis management, corporate governance, leadership, risk management, social responsibility and strategy. Under our board’s committee structure, it is responsible for reviewing the size of the board and ensuring that diversity is considered in the identification and selection of new director candidates, including different genders, ethnicities, experience, skills and qualifications. Each of our board’s three committees are chaired by independent directors, and two out of three committee chairs are women, and one of our directors identifies as ethnically diverse.

Risk oversight
Proactively managing and mitigating risk across our enterprise
Risk management is an integral component of our strategy, culture and business operations, and our board’s oversight role and governance structures continuously evolve to support sustainable growth.
Our Board oversees an enterprise-wide approach to risk management to improve long-term performance and enhance shareholder value. The full Board is involved in reviewing the company’s risk profile and determining what constitutes an appropriate level of risk. While our full Board has overall responsibility for risk oversight, it has delegated primary oversight of certain risks to Board Committees.

Business ethics
Maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Policy covers a range of topics, including conflicts of interest, anti-corruption and anti-bribery, political contributions, honest and ethical conduct and environmental protections. All directors, officers and employees are responsible for reviewing the code annually and certifying compliance. In addition, we provide ethics training during onboarding of new colleagues, with refresher training annually thereafter. Ethics training covers anti-corruption and anti-bribery.
To ensure the highest degree of ethics and integrity from our top executives, our CEO, CFO, principal accounting officer, controller and other senior financial officers also sign a separate Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers.

Data security
Protecting our company’s data vigilantly across every attack surface
Protecting our company against cyber threats and incidents is a priority for Maravai, and one that requires a robust program backed by constant vigilance. We employ a multifaceted, business-driven approach to protecting our infrastructure, systems, and data, which focuses on prevention, detection and mitigation of cybersecurity threats and incidents.
Oversight for our data security program is managed through an Information Technology (IT) Steering Committee. The IT Steering Committee is composed of the General Counsel, CFO, Vice President of IT, Senior Director of IT, and Chief Administrative Officer. We employ a third-party information security solutions firm to monitor threat risks and vulnerabilities to our IT environment, as well as an outside incident-response company.

ESG leadership
Demonstrating real commitment to achieving ESG objectives
Primary oversight of our ESG strategy and related risks is managed by the Nominating, Governance, and Risk Committee of our Board of Directors. Responsibilities for ESG factors across our organization are defined at Board, Nominating, Governance, and Risk Committee, and management levels. Implementing those responsibilities is shared across departments and portfolio businesses.
Document library
Read more about our ESG initiatives, policies and impact

